Monday, December 17, 2012

Preliminary Dates

It's been quite a while since I last update myself here. I'm currently helping mom's business, so I am mostly in the office on weekdays. But oh well, that doesn't stop me from browsing bridal magazines, checking out promotions and organising my wedding! And I hope you guys are doing the same too.

Anyways, as the title suggests - A and I have now decided on our dates, yippee! The dates are still preliminary though, because it depends on the availability of the hall my dad is renting too. And speaking of the hall, dad is procrastinating his job!! He's been saying that he would go and survey the halls, availability and such...but no confirmation just yet.

Talking about dates, my heart jumps in excitement a wee bit! Hihi.

Deciding on a date was tough, extreeemely tough since it involves everyone in the family. Whoops, I mean..both families! At first, A & I decided to get married in December 2013. Both parents got involved in this too, but my Dad suggested November 2013. Lo and behold, he is suggesting that we get married on his birthday! Mmmm, well okay.

That was a bit awkward since Dad and my second sister share the same birthday!

Come to think of it, the date doesn't bother me much. So A & I agreed with the idea. As for now, our nikah ceremony will be held on the 8th of November and the reception on the next day - the 9th of November which will be on my Dad & sister's birthday.

As for the engagement, both sides have confirmed for 1st of June 2013. Six more months. Erk, I need to lose weight!!!

But at the end of the day, no matter how much planning we is important to remember that Allah is the Greatest Planner. So from this point forward, I need to remind myself to be patient and accept God's decision if my plan doesn't work its way through.

Alrighty B2Bs, till then..have a great week ahead!

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