Monday, October 8, 2012

Glass Jars

Don't know what to prepare for door gifts? Well, how about little glass jars. I am quite interested to have them as door gifts...but since my wedding is well, too far away, engagement door gifts perhaps?

Glass jar is probably the easiest door gift that you'll be able to design and DIY. Ribbons, stickers, lace and probably square cloths would make yours a little bit more exclusive than just plain ones.

There's quite a few different shapes of glass jars, which also comes in various sizes. The most common one would be the IKEA jars like the picture below, but obviously go for cheaper ones!

Apparently, glass jars also come in hexagon shape like the one below..

And they also come in petite shapes like this .. more often seen for fruit jams.

For the favours, it is entirely up to you. People nowadays go for sweets, especially chocolate buttons and M&Ms. I would also suggest using Hershey's, but it will obviously add up on the cost side, hehe. Some even go for cake-in-a-jar, usually ordered..unless you're good at baking, it would be a plus point! If  you would like to try something else, try making a glass jar filled with homemade potpourri. Opt to use a cloth as the cap, and tie a ribbon or lace around it to tighten. That would make a pretty air freshener for your guests!!

But oh well, please do some research on your own and find the perfect glass jars of your choice and obviously..the best price in town too! Some may get as cheap as less than a ringgit for a jar, but I guess it depends on the size too.  

So to all my B2B readers, get your creative thinking cap on now!

Anyways, click these links for some creative ideas for your glass jars..
2. Iggumiyeyo's Glass Jars
3. Maya Puri's Glass Jars
4. Shakina's Glass Jars
5. Fatieha's Glass Jars

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