Monday, September 17, 2012


Alhamdulillah, yesterday marked our first phase towards marriage. All praise is due to Allah and no one but Him. The 'other' family came yesterday for an introduction session and 'merisik'. Merisik is mainly an occasion where the future-groom's family comes over to the future-bride's house and ask if she is still single. Apparently according to google, this tradition is translated as 'spying custom'. It is when the family tells their intention and plan as a first step towards marriage. 

And mine was on a lovely Sunday, 16th of September 2012. He came over with the parents and his sister, also with a gold ring usually known as 'cincin tanda'. The ring is pretty much a symbol or an indication that I am now officially booked by someone!

I couldn't be happier knowing that both families have started to know each other and agreed with our marriage plan. After all these years of only the two of us knowing one another! Hehe.

With a ring on my finger, reality starts to hit me this very morning. This is for real! I will be someone's wife soon. Well, not just that.. I will be a daughter in-law and sister in-law too! Long-life marriage preparation is what I need to start focusing now. 

May Allah make ease of everything...and I am hoping that Allah binds our hearts to His, and lasts us till Jannah.

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