Saturday, March 23, 2013

Progress for Engagement Preparation

Finally, something to update!

As of this date, I am now done with dais (pelamin) and gubahan hantaran but obviously NOT to be done by yours truly, hehe! Dearest mommy has agreed to 'pass' the job to Aunty Hamidah from ChantekMoleq. We went to see her at the boutique last week, good thing that she opens on Sundays too! She's an easy person to talk to. Since she is quite new in the field, her previous portfolio for mini dais is quite limited. So I've provided her with a few sample pictures...hopefully it will turn out just how I want it to be. Hint for my pelamin : Calla lilies!!

As for the hantaran, mommy asked for crystal flowers and the idea is to have the hantaran placed on a cushion (which is on top of the dulang) and decorated by a simple crystal flower. I am saving fresh flowers for my nikah hantaran, hence the crystal flowers for the engagement.

The hantaran will be 5 from my side and 3 from A.'s. The number of hantaran was suggested by dear mommy. As of now, the list are:

From A.:
1. Ring with flowers
2. Kain pasang
3. Sireh junjung (ke?)

From my side:
1. Kain sampin songket
2. Cupcakes or whole cake
3. Chocolates
4. Fruits (maybe?)
5. Sireh junjung

I need to finalise my hantaran soon! I change my idea each time while discussing, lol.

For photography, I am hiring my ex-students who is also a talented photographer - Azrianna Azmil. If you need to know further, click on the link to her website or find her Facebook page for further details.

By the way, I will be sharing the day with my sister's future baby girl (in May, hopefully) - the first girl in Minhat's 3rd generation, yippee!!

Here I am, hoping that everything will turn out fine insyaAllah.