Friday, August 31, 2012

First step.

My first entry for this B2B blog, in which I'll try my very best to update it regularly and take you through my journey, preparations and well....unnecessary ramblings! 

Both A. and I had a proper discussion about our future plans today. We both took the opportunity of his Merdeka day off and went through all the necessary to-do and to-spend lists..over a cup of hot chocolate in Starbucks. Oh, but a regular-turned-large sized Chatime for me! 

Alhamdulillah, we've managed to sort a lot of things and figured out our budget and future expenses. But...we forgot to decide on a date for him to come over and meet my parents (which was initially the whole point we went for Starbucks, anyways!)

While discussing our plans together, a few things made me realise why I'm in love with A. at the first place..and well, fell in love over again. Cheeeesy! But I couldn't have gone this far in our relationship without his support, motivations and love. We used to be thousands of miles apart, but not anymore now. Hoping for many, many loving moments with you, A!

As for today, I need to do some reading on diamonds - oh yes, my sparkling best friend! I've heard the 4Cs - carat, clarity, colour and cut. Gotta do some research on that!

Important note for self: I'm a size 11, A. is a 13. Need to check my size again...I choose to disagree with the salesperson!